Oh... those silly Evangelicals...

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Oh... those silly Evangelicals...

Post by nolaxride » Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:26 pm

It's one of the evangelical's favorite books, the Book of Enoch. Sounds a lot like Pizzagate.


The ancient texts of the Bible and The Book of Enoch contain cryptic references to a mysterious group known as the Nephilim. These enigmatic beings have captured the imagination of scholars, theologians, and enthusiasts for centuries, sparking debates about their identity, origin, and the extent of their influence.

In this exploration, we will delve into the biblical accounts and The Book of Enoch to unravel the secrets of the Nephilim, pondering their existence, their connection to history and myth, and the enduring fascination they continue to inspire.

Who Were the Nephilim?

The term “Nephilim” appears in the Bible, specifically in the Book of Genesis, where it is shrouded in ambiguity. Genesis 6:1-4 introduces us to a peculiar narrative:

“When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, ‘My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.’ The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.”

This cryptic passage suggests a union between the “sons of God” and the “daughters of humans,” resulting in the birth of the Nephilim, described as mighty beings, heroes of old, and men of renown. Interpreting the identity of the “sons of God” has sparked theological debates, with some viewing them as fallen angels and others as divine beings.

The Book of Enoch: A Glimpse into Nephilim Lore

To further unravel the mystery of the Nephilim, we turn to The Book of Enoch, an ancient Jewish apocalyptic text attributed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. This book, not included in the canonical Bible, elaborates on the Genesis account, providing additional details about the Nephilim and their activities.

In The Book of Enoch, the Nephilim are portrayed as the offspring of angels known as the Watchers and mortal women. According to Enoch, these angels descended to Earth, lured by the beauty of human women. The result of their unions with these women was a race of giants – the Nephilim. This narrative adds layers of complexity to the biblical story, offering a glimpse into the celestial drama that supposedly unfolded in ancient times.

The Fallen Angels and the Watchers

The identification of the “sons of God” as fallen angels or celestial beings is a key element in both biblical and Enochian accounts. The fallen angels, often equated with the Watchers in Enochian literature, are depicted as rebellious entities who abandoned their celestial duties to interact with mortal beings.

The consequences of this interaction, according to The Book of Enoch, were catastrophic. The Nephilim, born of this forbidden union, were described as giants possessing great strength and supernatural abilities. These beings, it is said, wreaked havoc on Earth, causing chaos and corruption. The Watchers, having overstepped their divine boundaries, were subsequently condemned for their actions.

Do the Nephilim Still Exist?

The question of whether the Nephilim still exist today remains a matter of speculation and interpretation. The biblical narrative does not provide a clear answer to this query, leaving room for diverse beliefs and theories.

Some interpretations suggest that the Nephilim were wiped out in the flood during Noah’s time, as the catastrophic event was meant to cleanse the Earth of corruption. Others propose that remnants of the Nephilim lineage survived the flood, pointing to subsequent biblical references to giants in the Promised Land, such as the Anakim mentioned in the book of Numbers.

In popular culture, particularly in speculative and paranormal circles, theories abound about hidden bloodlines and secret societies that claim descent from the Nephilim. However, these notions often lack empirical evidence and are regarded as imaginative interpretations rather than established facts.

The Nephilim in History and Myth

The Nephilim, while rooted in biblical and Enochian texts, have left an indelible mark on various cultural and mythological traditions. In ancient Mesopotamian mythology, stories of divine beings descending to Earth and intermingling with humans bear resemblance to the biblical narrative of the Nephilim. Similarly, Greek mythology recounts the tales of demigods, individuals born of divine parentage and mortal lineage, drawing parallels with the heroic stature attributed to the Nephilim.

The enduring fascination with giants and superhuman beings transcends cultural boundaries, finding echoes in folklore, legends, and mythologies around the world. From the Norse Jotnar to the Hindu Rakshasas, diverse cultures incorporate the theme of beings of extraordinary size and strength, resonating with the archetype of the Nephilim.

The enigmatic Nephilim, born from the cryptic verses of the Bible and further elaborated upon in The Book of Enoch, continue to captivate the imagination of those seeking to unravel ancient mysteries. The identity and fate of these beings remain speculative, with interpretations ranging from literal to allegorical. Whether seen as fallen angels, giants of old, or symbolic representations of a cosmic struggle, the Nephilim stand as a testament to the enduring allure of ancient myths and the perennial quest to understand the mysteries that shape our collective history and imagination.

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